Why did the chicken cross the road?

OGIL ride report 6th September 2023 It was a hot and sticky morning, with only a handful of us out for the ride. As is fast becoming the norm, a storm of WhatsApp messages the day before sowed more confusion that clarity over the destination. Phil1 had proposed Melinsey Mill, only for Amanda to declare the Roseland as a no-go area for her, and for Dean the Elder to explain that he will be out but will not be taking […] Read More

Seen and been in Pool

OGIL ride report 30th August 2023 The power of the OGIL WhatsApp group asserted itself on the morning of the ride, with the early start contingent (aka Amanda) announcing cryptically “Sea bean” after asking for the destination to be notified so that she could meet us (or not) later. After some discussion amongst the ten of us assembled at TOP, we concluded that this was probably the name of the cafe by the Camborne Redruth Community Hospital at Barncoose. In […] Read More

A sting in the tail

OGIL ride report 23rd August 2023 A dive into history with this report, which has been gestating at the back of my mind for a while. As we are now 2½ weeks after the event, my recollection will necessarily be a bit hazy, but with any luck so will that of the personae dramatis, allowing me to be a little creative if need be. Of course, Strava does not lie (at least most of the time) so the route and […] Read More

The September 3rd Pathfinder

This month’s Pathfinder was led by Ian and started from the Church Field car park in Camelford.  16 Wheelers gathered at 10am.  Martyn and Margaret arrived a bit late and were delayed putting their tandem together – they caught up with us later.  We left in groups of four, going up Trefrew Road, back onto the A39 for a short distance, then right onto the road/cycle track across Bodmin Moor – Brown Willy was off to our right and there […] Read More

Come and join us for what could be a record number of cyclists on the road in Falmouth. Old or new, that is bikes or riders, are welcome. Interesting older sit up and beg bikes, tandems, trikes, Raleigh Choppers, etc very welcome. Meet from 9:00 am at the lodge on Kimberley Park. Youngsters from the Wheal Velocity Cycling Club will lead the ride out at 10:30am to travel through the centre of town, returning via Gyllyng St, Wellington Terrace and […] Read More

Ride Report 13 August.

The forecast suggested it might be dryish so a good turnout at HQ was expected. What a disappointment just Richard Trevor3 and myself . Amanda, Ian & Adrian had set off at sparrow fart. Robin and Ben were cycling with Andy. Trevor ( Red leader ), Sonjia, Don, Charlie, jill, Steve, Mike & Barbera were headed for Yorkshire so there we are. Trevor suggested Trevassack Lake and as i could not think of any reason not to go there we […] Read More

Two reports for the price of one

After an unfortunate hiatus, your correspondent returns to report on the adventures of the OGIL Wednesday rides.  So as not to strain my imagination muscles too much, I will not delve too far into the past and will restrict myself to the last two rides. 19th July 2023 Poolfield Way Was beginning to feel a little lonely until Kath and new rider Gwen appeared. We chatted for a while and then made our way towards the Other Place There wasn’t […] Read More

A game of two halves, and a full pint.

The publication of Sunday’s ride report has been delayed by the fact that I have mislaid Mr Garmin and without his help I am not too sure just where we went. Unfortunately, the delay has also meant that I am now unsure just who was there. But since half the members are not really interested where we went, and the other half not a bit interested who was there, I needn’t tax my memory too severely. There was quite a […] Read More

Ride Report Sunday 16th July

The tour is providing daily surprizes, its like reading a thriller not knowing whats going to happen next. Then there is a young Spanish lad shaking the old guard at Wimbeldon, what next. All this is almost as exciting as a Sunday ride with the Falmouth Wheelers. Perranporth was the decided upon destination, i counted ten riders through at Union corner on our way to Penryn, apparently there was some confusion behind sorry to anyone who missed the cut. Suicide […] Read More