Welcome to the Falmouth Wheelers

The Falmouth Wheelers Club was formed in 2000 with a letter to the local paper triggering a few like-minded cyclists to get together. The first of the regular Sunday rides saw 33 cyclists go out in 3 groups covering distances of 8, 11 and 20 miles. The membership and distances have grown ever since!

Indeed, over and above the regular local rides many members take part in the organised Sportive and Audax events held throughout the year. Some have completed John-o-Groats to Lands-End and rides in Ireland, France and further afield in the Mediterranean are a regular fixture in the calendar.

A big part of the club’s ethos is to promote the health and wellbeing benefits of regular cycling. We support the Falmouth and Penryn Cycling Campaign and the broader Walking and Cycling Initiative, the latter aimed at improving the local infrastructure to support the same. We also raise money for local charities through sales of cycling kit and bike jumble and by running local Audax events.

We’ve come (and cycled) a long way since 2000 but have managed to retain our small friendly feeling that appeals to new and existing members alike.

Like to learn more?

The easiest way is to check out our rides then come and join us on one! Alternatively visit our frequently asked questions page or contact us via this website or our club Facebook page