What’s on in May?

The weather is getting better! The Mallorca week attendees are back on Sunday 5th. The May 19th Pathfinder led by Fred, Phil and Kath will start from the large carpark opposite Sourton Services, Oakhampton.  It is possible to park behind the pub, toilet facilities available overnight and they also have rooms available for an overnight stay. They just ask that you eat in the pub.  Fred is organising a table and if you wish to join the table please contact Fred […] Read More

Rides Group Meeting, Monday 8 April

The next meeting of the club’s Rides Group is Monday 8th April at 6:15pm in the “Vicar’s Room” (the room right at the back), the Seven Stars, the Moor, Falmouth.  We don’t have to pay for having exclusive use of the room for the evening so they will appreciate it if we buy a drink or two.   Here is the agenda. There has been a very good response from members with new ideas on how we can better organise our […] Read More

March Pathfinder

So, I have been designated as the ride reporter for the Pathfinder that took place on the 24th March. The pathfinder was a Robin creation around the Roseland area so I was expecting lots of hills but was pleasantly surprised when I downloaded the GPX, only 1400 ft of elevation over 26 ish miles. It was a very pleasant ride starting on the outskirts of Probus.   There were thirteen of us, we formed three groups, two fours and one of […] Read More

March Pathfinder Sunday 24th March

Looking forward to seeing you all this coming Sunday for a magnificent tour of the Roseland. A staggering amount of work has gone into making sure that all runs smoothly and we now have a hotline with every farmer on the peninsula which should insure all the roads we use are cleaned prior to our arrival. An idea of numbers for those who wish to sample the culinary delights of “The Cornish Italian” would be appreciated. All in all this […] Read More

Last of the Winter Whines

        I’d been duped into dressing for spring after looking at my Met Office app 🌤️☀️☀️ – so was a little peeved when I had to stop in Penryn to put my gilet on! By HQ the heavy mizzle became rain ☁️🌨️💦. Only Trevor and Don were there on my arrival and we happily grumbled about the weather and the accuracy of weather apps. Why bother? Just dress for the worst ☀️🌧️💦💨❄️ Gradually numbers swelled and soon […] Read More

What’s on in March

Tuesday 5th March – Falmouth, Penryn and Surrounding Area Walking & Cycling Campaign meeting. This will be held at the Famous Barrel, Penryn at 18.30. Friday 8th March to Sunday 10th March – Womens’ Festival of Cycling at Saint Piran Café, Bissoe. There are Rides, Workshops and Pilates, plus much more.  More details can be found on the St Piran website. Saturday 16th March – Falmouth, Penryn and Surrounding Area Walking & Cycling Campaign Social Ride. 16.00 – 17.30 starting at […] Read More

Change of plan

OGIL ride Wednesday 28th February 2024 A dedicated group of us assembled at Union Corner hoping that the weather forecast would turn out to be on the pessimistic side, but a persistent mizzle was already in the air, and the sky looked an unpleasant shade of grey.  It was decided to see how it went, and we set off to The Other Place where a small crowd was huddling in the lee of the trees.  As is now the way, […] Read More

Sunday Ride 3rd March


This Sunday’s ride will be to Perranporth, led by Ian. Leaving 9am from HQ, following this route. Route on Garmin Connect as prepared by Fred: https://connect.garmin.com/modern/course/249835077 Name of track as it will appear on Garmin is: Cycling 76.34 km – 20 Feb Or download GPX file here (not via Garmin Connect). In this case name of track as it will appear on Garmin is: 3March24Perranporth 76.34 km    

The Sunday ride went swimmingly

I started swimming in the sea this winter. The cold water shock helps ease the pain in my joints. It’s good for our mental well-being too or so I’m told. I have to admit to wearing a thin sleeveless “shorty” otherwise I just wouldn’t cope – but I’m told there are plenty of hardy women in the club who dip daily in just their swimsuits! 💪🏊🏻‍♀️🏊🏻‍♀️🏊🏻‍♀️ I’ve started distance swimming too and have bought a swim wetsuit. The experience couldn’t […] Read More