They said we could have fun if it stopped raining.
You knew it was the start of school holidays because the weather changed so instead of moaning about the heat we could moan about the cold and damp, still us brits are good at it. Sometimes I wonder what we would talk about if not for our weather, how do them foreign chappys manage I suppose they discuss financial trade or nuclear fusion I suppose we will never know. Fourteen met at HQ wearing a variety of clothing depending on where you set out from. After much grumbling the Milk Barn at Mullion was decided on if not unanimously. Thirteen set off leaving Liz to do her own thing. Coats came off then back on but we all made it to Gweek and Phil did major repairs to Sarahs bike with a reel of insulting tape (don’t ask). The traffic was busy for a Sunday morning! school holidays I suppose! We took the usual route through Trelowarren meeting cars with drivers who appeared to be lost or confused or maybe both who knows. We also came across free range horses a pleasure to see. From Bulla cross the usual mad time trial proceeded with little Phil setting a stunning pace followed by Ian on his single speed with his legs going ten to the dozen. The rest of us made it to Kuggar at a more sedate pace, except for NZ Dave who turn off to take the usual route. The rest of us continued to the Chapel where we turned right to rejoin the usual route. The milk barn is always a pleasant stop albeit rather slow but all was well in the end. The usual nonsensical discussions took place the main topic being the recent Le Tour and the stamina of the young riders. But we also found time to put right the NHS our recommendations would of course be forwarded to Government if only we could remember what they were. We eventually set off down to Poldhu and then up that delightful hill towards the Golf club and on to Helston where some of number five to be exact turned to head for the Blue Anchor and a glass of what they term a recovery drink. The rest of us continued the normal route and I have to confess the post Covid fatigue set in and I struggled (nothing to do with having been on holiday for two months or my Age) and of course to finish the day off the damp clouds began to turn into rainy stuff. At the bottom of Halvasso I bid farewell and left the others.
Just short of 50 miles for me and I am sure it will get easier
Photo by Sarah