On the way back from a circuit of Stithians lake yesterday, I took the opportunity to check out the new cafe at the Via Ferrata site on the Halvasso road, next to BF Adventure. The huge granite quarry has been converted into a challenging climbing course, with high wire bridges, abseiling descents and zip wires. The cafe ‘The Cornish Barista’ overlooks the quarry and has a good range of hot drinks, a full menu and a range of scrumptious looking cakes. At the moment the road up to the centre is bike-unfriendly gravel, but they’re thinking about putting in a smooth cycle path and a bike rack. Plenty of parking for cars, and good loos. The cafe is open seven days a week, 9am – 4.30pm until the end of October – the winter hours are undecided as yet. It’s a bit too close to Falmouth to be our main coffee stop, but if you’re on your way home from a long ride and want some more refreshment, this place is highly recommended. See the website for more details: viaferratacornwall.co.uk