Rides Group Meeting- 15th January 6:15pm – Wood Lane Social Club: AGENDA

As usual the meeting is open and all Wheelers are very welcome. The primary purpose is to arrange dates and organisers for this year’s monthly Pathfinder rides which we hope will start in March (rain permitting?). If you are interested in organising one please do come along. We always need new organisers.

It is also a good opportunity for people to raise for discussion other riding related issues, as we did last year with “gophering”. If you want to have an item discussed could you please email Simon Jones in the next few days so he can put an agenda together for circulation before the meeting.


1. Apologies

2. Pathfinders -review of last year’s, format reminder, “gophers” and group riding etiquette (eg. on main roads)(*Group Rides Guidelines). 2024 – which months? organisers? (*Guidance Notes July 2022) date fixing? avoiding clashes with other events (audaxes, sportives, bank holidays, other events)

3. Library of routes –

4. Rides organisation – Sundays and OGILs – present situation, what’s not working? Waiting at junctions to regroup? posting destinations; – when? before? on the morning?
OR – a schedule of rides? for a month? 3 months? meeting point? distance? need ride leaders. Who coordinates the list? posting on website and calendar updating? Trial period??
Wednesday evenings; – any change needed?

5. Expanding the experience –
How do visitors see us on the website? Is info reliable on website?(“club ride formats”), on calendar? who to contact? E-bike group?
Time trials? (Ladies Only Race Night 29th May 10), affiliation

6. Date of Next meeting

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