March Pathfinder

Pathfinders are always a great day out and all credit to those who organise a route.
This months was to be a first to trial a new method of trying to keep riders in small groups leaving gaps so cars, coaches etc can pass more easily.
I had picked Victor up at what seemed to be very early, mainly caused by the fact that the clocks had gone forward an hour. Hurrah summer is here.
We drove to Gnome world; it was so early the Gnomes were still in their beds Ahh!
Cycled to Cornwall services having to take a detour just passed Iron Bridge through Roche this was because the road is closed for a new road being built to St Austal I believe.
After fumbling my way through the Mc’donalds ordering system (bring back humans) we enjoyed a nice cup of coffee. There before us was Denise ,Don, Amanda, Jan and Phil 1, Robin, Charlie, Ben and Julian were at the Costa part having cycled up from Falmouth.
At Lanivet we found the other contenders – Martyn (Organiser) Kath, Liz, Trevor, Barbara, Mike Capone, Simon and John.
Groups were established and off we set to Bodmin, then joined the Camel trail which was far more relaxing than the Main road. We eventually arrived at our coffee/lunch stop The Snails Pace Café. This was a very nice café but probably because there was a lot of us the service was very slow, They apologised and did their best. We then made our way up hill, well you have to have hills it’s Cornwall. A luverly ride across part of Bodmin moor via St Breward and Blisland. Back onto the trail at Tressarett then on to Nanstallion and thus back to Lanivet.

An enjoyable day and the rain held off and we rode different roads so all in all a success.
Thanks to Martyn for organising and to the rides group for providing us with the Pathfinder rides.


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