October Meeting
Here we are again, another month on and the meetings are sadly still in written form and we are not meeting as a group in Woodlane Social Club. There was hope that this would be the month that would see us back together again and it’s not looking too hopeful for November or December either but more about that later.
As usual we’ve all been busy despite the current restrictions. Clive and I even managed to get away for a week to the very sparsely populated Lincolnshire and what a lovely break it was too. We’ve never been to Lincolnshire before and even though it is a long way it was well worth it. Apart from being very flat there is lovely countryside and it felt very French. There are very few hedges to the fields and the roads are very quiet. We also had trouble finding anything open in the villages which in my experience is also very French. So if we don’t get to travel to France for a while I would recommend a trip to Lincolnshire. On one day we cycled 37 miles and only managed 348 feet of climbing!!!, what a treat for the legs.
We had to cancel the Pathfinder that had been arranged for October though Phil Samuel did arrange to meet some others at the layby on the Penzance road. In the end there were only 3 but it was a great idea and Phil has an idea for a future ride setting off from a different start point one Sunday in November. No date has been set as yet but as soon as one is known we will post the information.
Our groups of 6 are working well with both the OGIL and the Sunday riders. We seem to have got a nice little routine and communication network going on regarding arranging where people are meeting and where they are going. Martyn and Margaret who have bought a very nice Thorn tandem in what looks like Audax Kernow colours joined Liz’s group on their ride to Godrevy. Nice to see them back in the saddle again. We have had 2 new lady riders join the Sunday rides very recently, Amy, and Christine who is Damiens wife. Damien is also a fairly new member who rides with both the OGIL and on Sundays. We have also had a young chap, Charlie join the club, so please give a warm welcome to our new members.
On the re-arranged London Marathon day, October 4th, we had club members Lucy Chapman and Jan Watson running the marathon distance but locally instead of in London. The weather was appalling, wet with gale force winds but this didn’t stop either of them. Well, it did stop Jan as she was blown off her feet into a field on the North Cliffs footpath. Well done to anyone who was also taking part and well done to the supporters on the day too. They were tough conditions.
The Tour of Britain dates have been confirmed for September 2021. Day one will be 5th September starting in Penzance and coming through Falmouth on that first day. We will need to pick this up again with the Town Council/manager next year and resume preparations.
We won an award last month presented by Cycling UK. Hurrah and Well Done everyone. We were asked by Cycling UK how we managed during Lockdown and with contributions from a number of members we submitted a piece, with photos, which was published and sent out in their Cycling Clips email that Cycling UK members received. There was a presentation evening with a quiz and the winners were announced. Everyone was a winner who took part but we have a Certificate and a special individual Certificate which will be awarded at our awards night.
That brings me to our Annual Awards Evening. We will have an awards evening this year though this may look a little different to usual and may have to take place in January depending on how long it takes to put it together. The committee will decide how this will happen and as we will have to get voting slips out and various other things need to be considered please bear with us.
Another annual Club event is the Newsletter which Dean is working really hard to put together to have ready for December. If you have any contributions for the newsletter please let Dean have this as soon as possible as I am aware that he will be going to print sometime in November. Have a word with Dean if you have anything and he will give you further details. Distribution of the newsletter will be a little different this year and we will probably have outlets around Falmouth where you can pick one up from. footnote: The deadline I have just been informed is a fortnight today, so that is no later than 11th November.
Phil Samuel has had some news regarding the rather bizarre accident that we came across on a pathfinder around this time in 2018. Briefly, we encountered a car being driven erratically which appeared to have the wheel hanging off and all of the drivers side windows had been smashed. The car though was still managing to go at a pretty good lick down the road albeit rather noisily. Phil fortuitously was taking photos as we made our way up the hill and caught an image of the car and I managed to remember part of the number plate. A little further along the road we found an elderly chap by his car which looked as if it had been attacked by a giant can opener. The driver of this car was not hurt just a bit shocked. We have just heard that the driver, who the Police managed to track down with the information that we gave them, has been given a prison sentence.
I was reminded today via the powers of Facebook that this time last year we were all busy making Christmas tree decorations for the trees that were on display at the Princess Pavillions. Sadly I shouldn’t think that will be on this year though as things are changing regarding the ownership of the pavillions who knows.
Liz has reminded me that the café at Via Ferrata will be closed on Mondays and Tuesdays from next week but will continue opening on the other days of the week. This has become a popular café to visit with lovely views and good coffee and service.
Dean has been working very hard with the Falmouth and Penryn Cycling Campaign. They support the aims of the government proposals as set out in the Department for Transport visions for Cycling and Walking 2020. They promote the benefits of Active Travel for everyone within the area. There is a Facebook page which you can follow which will keep you up to date with what their next steps are. It is an exciting group and it looks as if changes may be happening fairly quickly with regard to making cycling safer around Falmouth. On behalf of the Falmouth and Penryn Cycling Campaign Dean has asked the club via the committee if the club would sponsor the Cycling Campaigns website to the sum of £100.00. This cost is made up of less the £30.00 for the first year and £75.00 for the Second year, if we wish to carry on supporting this. It is hoped that we will commit as a club to the first 12 months but we would be free to end the sponsorship at any time after that. The committee has agreed to this. Dean has resurrected the group and since doing so has attracted 50 members since mid August. Since creating the group Dean has been invited to join the CC working group that is planning the improvements to the Commercial Road to Falmouth link, and met with the Truro Cycling Campaign to discuss areas where we can work together, including the ‘Missing Link’ stretch of A39 from Norway Inn to Devoran. The group had their first zoom meeting last week with 3 Wheelers participating in the meeting. It is very exciting work and we will support the group with their future plans and we look forward to much safer cycling in and around Falmouth. If you would like further information as to how to become involved in the group Dean will be more than happy to give more information.
If you wish to have anything brought up at the ‘meeting’ please let me know and I will include next time.