May Meeting 2020
Welcome again to our Third virtual Falmouth Wheelers meeting. I really can’t see when we will be able to return to a normal meeting and until Woodlane Social Club re-opens we won’t be able to use that as a venue. I have thought about gathering in a park or open space but I really don’t think that that is practical at the moment, especially as large gatherings are not allowed at present regardless of the social distancing rules.
I open the meeting with the sad news that one of our members, Keith had a medical incident while out riding his bike and is currently in Treliske hospital being cared for by an experienced medical team. Please can we all be thinking of Keith and his wife Maggie at this very difficult time. I have offered any help that Maggie may need from the Wheelers and she will keep me informed as to Keith’s progress. We must say a huge thanks to Dean G for being there to see that Keith had the best care in the fastest possible time for which I know Maggie is exceptionally grateful.
This incident has highlighted a couple of things that should be taken very seriously by us all. One of these is to ensure that we always carry a form of ID with us whether riding solo or with a group. This should also include emergency contact details. The Falmouth Wheelers membership cards which are available at each meeting are perfect for keeping with your bike. These cards have spaces for Emergency Contact details along with any Medical Alerts that may need to be taken into account. A topic of conversation the OGIL had only a number of weeks ago was who had the App what3words. This App was invaluable in the speed that the emergency services were able to reach Keith. Dean said the accuracy and speed which they were located was paramount. It’s a free App and I most certainly will be putting this on my phone.
Now is maybe the time to speak about insurance. The club has insurance to cover us if we as a group, identified as members of Falmouth Wheelers, cause an accident (heaven forbid!). As individuals, we can get third party cover by joining Cycling UK – at a reduced rate for seniors over 65- so we’re covered if we cause an accident or are claiming against someone else, when they will fight on your behalf.
As is the usual there have been a lot of events cancelled or postponed. I’m distraught, but some of you may be delighted that the Carnival has been cancelled along with Falmouth Week. We will have to put on an extra special carnival entry for next year’s Carnival (I bet you can’t wait). I know that a lot of us will very much miss Falmouth week especially for the sailing events.
Falmouth’s grand Cycling event for this year, the Tour of Britain, has been postponed until September 2021. The route will be the same as it would have been which is great news for Falmouth. It would have been such a shame if the organisers had thought to continue with what would have been their 2021 destinations as I should imagine they have a route already in their minds.
Rather surprisingly the Mousehole lights have been cancelled this year, therefore, there will be no Mousehole Lights ride this year. I suppose we could still ride to Mousehole on a calm night around Christmas but I don’t suppose it will have the same feel.
We have had a couple of Challenges achieved this month. Firstly we have Ian’s fabulous 26.2 mile walk around a field in aid of Cornwall Hospice South West. This is a charity very close to his heart and he raised a grand total of £1707.00. I think Ian is happier now that he can get back on his bike again after recovering from all of his walking.
Amanda then took on Robins Myllorca 765 challenge and she very deservedly achieved Queen of the Mountain. I too took on a few hills locally with Symons Hill still awaiting my attempt. As we haven’t been riding very far up until just recently hills seem to have been the thing and the Falmouth area certainly doesn’t disappoint.
I have had to take my bike to Falmouth Cycles to have a small adjustment and my goodness are they busy. I understand that all bike shops are as busy so something to bear in mind if you are needing to take your bike in. I’m not sure when I will see mine again but hopefully not too long. Clive needs an adjustment to one of his brakes on his electric bike and he has a space booked for 15th June. Again, a very busy bike shop.
It is National Bike week is from the 6th – 14th June and they are holding a series of fun Bike Week events on line. By going to the Bike week website you will be able to see all of the things that they have planned and how you can take part.
I’ve noticed that various events for later in the year appear to be taking place though I should imagine that these may be reviewed nearer the time. I think that organisers are trying to see how they can offer the events using a different format. I feel it is very much watch this space.
Please keep writing the reports for the website, they are always a good read and don’t forget the zoom meeting at 6.30 pm on a Friday organised by Amanda. If you haven’t joined the zoom meeting in the past please consider coming for a chat. Amanda puts the details for the meeting on the Falmouth Wheelers WhatsApp group, alternatively contact Amanda and she will be able to give you the sign in code.
There were no items for Any other Business.
The meeting closed at 7.15 in my dining room.