A30 Chiverton to Carland Cross

The deadline for consultation responses is on Monday, 12th of March. The Highways England people I have talked to are clear that they need to see good numbers of consultation responses calling for more attention to cycling if they are to improve the scheme in the ways we want.

Highways England’s consultation page for this scheme includes a link to the reasonably concise booklet handed out at the consultation events and also clever stuff like a virtual flight above the proposed road and lots of other related documents.

The core proposal is thin on cycling, it is after all about a 70mph limit road with an intention that average speeds should be not that much less. However, the Highways England Cycling Strategy published in 2016 applies to this scheme.  It includes promises of new ways of working, and an apparent intention to treat cyclists’ needs seriously. I feel the A30 proposal as it stands has some way to go to really come up to the mark.

There has been a bit of movement in the right direction since the informal consultation late in 2016 in that the count of current crossing routes blocked has been reduced by linking the lanes east of Zelah with a new tunnel.

Truro Cycling Campaign have done a great job in raising awareness and rallying support for a stronger proposal for cycling in particular for a direct crossing at or very near the current Chiverton Cross roundabout to recover the direct St Agnes <=> Truro route. It looks like progress is possible on this and on a link from Carland Cross to the old A30 at Mitchell which would open up the natural ridge route for east west riding including of course the many End–to–End rides that pass through Cornwall.

Have a look at the suggestions Truro Cycling Campaign are making for a consultation response. Your response doesn’t have to be long but do please send one in using the Highways England consultation page.




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